No women allowed
James Tobin | April 28, 2023The Michigan Union was founded in 1903 as a club for all University of Michigan students, faculty, and alumni — all, that is, except women.
women at MichiganThe Michigan Union was founded in 1903 as a club for all University of Michigan students, faculty, and alumni — all, that is, except women.
women at MichiganBorn in 1878, Santiago Artiaga (class of 1904) had come to Michigan among a cadre of students called the Pensionados. Despite losing most of his material belongings – including his treasured Michigan Union pin – during the Japanese occupation of the Philippines, Artiaga's time at Michigan stayed with him throughout his life of service to the Philippines.
Michigan UnionThe Michigan Union would not be the nexus of campus activity that it is today if not for a student-led effort in the late 1970s.
U-M campus